Why You Should Migrate to GA4 Now


By Aaron

The Next Generation of Consumer Tracking: Google Analytics 4


Since its release date back in 2005, Google Analytics has always been the foundation of how businesses and website owners, track performance data. If like us, you work in SEO or you are part of analysing how your website or ads are performing, likely hood is, Google Analytics has always been your go-to analytics tool.


Throughout the years, we have seen the progression and improvements in how we read, analyse and understand consumer behavior across marketing channels. Well, Google has now decided to take it up to the next level, introducing; Google Analytics 4 (GA4) - the new upgraded version of the platform.


With the date of the recent launch to take place on July 1st, 2023, let's look into why you should migrate to GA4.


Should I Switch to Google Analytics 4?

If you are a website or business owner who is involved in the digital world, then you probably already know the importance of taking advantage of Analytics to track performance, conversions, and user activity.


The main reason our Marketing Team at Fastrack Digital, analyse our clients' Analytical data, isn’t to just see what users are doing on a site but more importantly, to understand where we can improve our clients marketing strategies.


Once Google makes the transition on July 1st, UA (Google's Universal Analytics) will stop collecting data and previous data will only be available for 6 months, then, that will be gone too. Migrating to GA4 will ensure you still have the ability to report and see the success of your digital marketing activities and come July, you can compare the user engagement metrics and others with a year-on-year view.
For a comprehensive look at what exactly GA4 is, view Google's introduction post here.


Google Analytics 4 Benefits

Do you find yourself asking the question of, well why after so long of using Universal Analytics has Google decided to make this update? That comes down to GA4 being a whole new tool of analytics to provide marketers with even more, valuable data.


Key Benefits:

  • Web & App Analytics in GA4
  • User Journey Tracking in Google Analytics 4
  • GA4 Custom Reports
  • Automated Event Tracking
  • Advanced User Properties available in GA4
  • Predictive Metrics within Google Analytics 4
  • Free BigQuery Integration


“This is the biggest change in Google Analytics in the past decade. Acting now is a necessity for all businesses” - Adrian Caruso, Founder and Managing Director of Fastrack Digital.



GA4 Is Coming, What Should I Do Next?

Although it may seem as if you have plenty of time before the 1st of July 2023, we highly recommend that you work towards this deadline right away and start to make the transition to the new world of Analytics.


It is also important to keep in mind that once Google Analytics 4 is rolled out, you will no longer have access to Universal Analytics. In the meantime, UA and GA4 can run perfectly well alongside each other until the official shutdown in July 2023. So, while you have the data currently up and running, you will also start to explore everything that is the new way of GA4.


But wait, don’t panic. We know it may sound daunting that Google will be stopping all UA tracking, fortunately, our experts are here to help! 


To discuss a strategy for the migration of your account to GA4 or if you would like to know more about Google Analytics 4, please get in touch with our team who will be more than happy to help. Don’t wait until it's too late, be proactive. make the change, and let's get your business better insights today!


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